The story around Isaiah Saxon's feature debut, "The Legend of Ochi," took a drastic turn, as so many Hollywood stories did, ...
The Legend of Ochi (2025) stands out due to an open heart and trust in its young audience to handle an emotional, spooky narrative, conjuring up cinematic magic. The post SUNDANCE: ‘The Legend of Ochi ...
There are gunshots, flames, and Ochi hurling through the trees. It’s a breathtaking way to open a film, and immediately makes ...
A24 has delayed the release of "The Legend of Ochi" after the filmmaker's house burned down in the Los Angeles wildfires.
The Legend of Ochi' release date has been pushed after writer-director Isaiah Saxon lost his home in the L.A. fires.
The Legend of Ochi opens in theaters April 25. This review is based on a screening at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival.