A building designed without a ramp or a lift for people who require them, a lack of captions for a meeting, and stadiums without low-sensory spaces are all examples of ableism. Disablism is the ...
It’s important to be specific about both progress and ableism today. For example: The first examples of progress most often cited are disability rights laws like the Americans with Disabilities ...
Raffety gleans examples from her fieldwork to demonstrate how ableism operates in churches today, including through interpretations of scripture. This section of the book is well argued: I imagine ...
effective care (for example, asking providers to wear a mask as a COVID-19 precaution, or requesting an autism diagnostic assessment). Interpersonal Ableism Within the third theme, participants ...
A recent Yale study uncovers how ableism shapes the mental health care experience for people with disabilities and what we ...
I have even inadvertently perpetuated ableism. For example, I never knew to ask direct reports if they needed accommodations, and I have readily spoken at inaccessible events. I’ve been on my own ...
Dr. Janz, for example, always needs an advocate with her when in the hospital because, too often, those paid to care for her ...