Some may say writing a good "thank you" note is a lost art, but we couldn't disagree more. It's an essential part of expressing gratitude when someone gives you a gift for your birthday or wedding ...
Despite my own fiercely held belief in thank-you notes, I do think there are a handful of situations where traditional ...
The following sample thank-you notes illustrate the kinds of things donors would love to hear about you and the impact their generosity has had on your life. When submitting a thank-you letter, please ...
Get A Good Pen If you’re not a writer like I ... Which of the following thank-you notes would you rather receive from a speaker you just hired?
Growing up in the South in the '60s, I was taught from an early age that sending a handwritten thank-you note expressing appreciation for a kindness was something you just did. Early on ...
I told my mother, “Grandmother has never written me a thank you note, and I gave her a gift. I will start writing when she ...
A good rule of thumb is to send a thank-you ... I look forward to hearing from you.” Sending a thank-you note after an internship interview can make a big difference in your chances of getting ...
Young people are expected to write thank you notes as a way of showing respect ... No matter your age and no matter the gift, it always feels good to be acknowledged and appreciated for it.
I read these complaints in your column and wonder how many grandchildren feel now as I did then. — 64-year-old Grandmother ...
Despite my own fiercely held belief in thank-you notes, I do think there are a handful of situations where traditional thank-you note etiquette can be relaxed in favor of more casual expressions ...