Supermarket garlic is from warmer weather varieties, so stick to varieties that have been bred to grow well in a cooler summer. But, if you’d like to use spring/green garlic in salads and ...
Its green leaves and long stem don't appear similar to mature garlic, which has papery skin and clove-filled bulbs. But in ...
Most farmers harvest their crops in the fall, but Luke Ahrndt and Brian Neff just planted theirs in late September. With their garlic cloves tucked into bed for the winter, patience is a virtue ...
Plant cloves 15cm apart in rows that are 20cm apart so you ... If you’d like to harvest your garlic earlier, you’ll pick what is known as wet or green garlic. It has a single bulb and a milder flavour ...
Garlic scapes are the curly green shoots that grow from garlic bulbs and are harvested before they flower in early summer.
Planting some seeds in a pot ... All you need for this one is a simple garlic clove from the supermarket. You should start seeing green shoots in around 7-10 days, so even impatient toddlers ...
Green onion: cut an inch from the roots. Place them in shallow water and make sure the tops are not submerged in the water.
Flavoursome garlic is an essential ingredient in so many recipes.  Easy to grow in the garden, it doesn’t take up too much space and it can be started off in the autumn or late winter in the ground or ...