nurse shark and hammerhead shark, experts say. It is illegal to feed sharks in Cayman waters. However, some tourism entrepreneurs see such encounters as great for business, including bigger tips ...
A hammerhead shot up from beneath ... species that chases down prey such as white sharks do with seals or makos do with mackerel. Rather, they're feeding on schools of bioluminescing squid at ...
Hammerhead sharks can hold their breath to survive almost freezing-cold waters during deep dives, a study has found. The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Science on Thursday ...
WASHINGTON— The Center for Biological Diversity submitted a petition today urging the National Marine Fisheries Service to protect the great hammerhead shark under the Endangered Species Act. Today’s ...
Dr. Peter Klimley is a man who has held his breath and dived down 100 feet to hand-tag hammerhead sharks with a dart gun. He has even dressed up as a killer whale, complete with towering black ...