John's gospel is different from the other three in the New Testament. That fact has been recognized since the early church itself. Already by the year 200, John's gospel was called the spiritual ...
Charlesworth, ed. Jews and Christians: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future (New York: Crossroad: 1990): 76-96. The Gospel of John seems on the face of it a poor basis for Jewish-Christian dialogue ...
Other gospels take the lead at Christmas, but during the Triduum — the climax of the Christian liturgical year — John’s gospel, so unique among the four, takes center stage. The Good Friday ...
King Herod heard about Jesus, for his fame had become widespread, and people were saying, "John the Baptist has been raised ...
It is not surprising that Rosemary Ruether has found the fullest development of New Testament anti-Jewish bias within the Gospel of John. 1 Her estimate of the gospel's anti-Jewish stance reflects the ...
Her research focuses on textual criticism, Mary Magdalene, and the Gospel of John. Hear the full version of this interview on the Century podcast In Search Of. Your path into biblical studies is a ...
But an opportunity came when Herod on his birthday gave a banquet for his nobles and military commanders and the leading men ...
The gospel of John is dramatically different than the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). Instead of organizing historical events into a chronology, John presents Jesus in all of his ...
When was Jesus born? When did he die? What was his socioeconomic class? How did he fit in the religious, political and ...
The gospel reading a couple weeks ago was one of Jesus’s most famous miracles when He changed water into wine at the wedding ...
Some Jewish works written several hundred years before John's gospel portrayed Wisdom as God's heavenly consort. This Wisdom, pictured as a beautiful woman, lived with God and participated in ...