High soybean yields are possible with a wide range of plant populations because single plants of most varieties will utilize a 7- to 9-inch area in all directions around the main stem. Plants adjust ...
Agronomist, University of Minnesota Extension Here are some highlights from recent University of Minnesota research on corn plant population:? Yield increases resulting from higher plant ...
Extension educator in crops University of Minnesota Extension Following the trend of most agricultural inputs, soybean seed costs have tracked upward as well. In the quest to reduce input costs, ...
3. Desired population. Table 2 on the back gives Purdue plants-per-acre recommendations for public soybean varieties planted at various row widths. Consult your seed dealer regarding recommended ...
With planting season right around the corner, David Hula and Randy Dowdy challenge farmers to reevaluate the ‘why’ behind their crop production practices and use real information to back up their ...
The six factors work together in the field. The resulting synergy contributes to higher yields and, ultimately, more beans in ...