If you receive toll bills by mail but don’t have a TxTag, you can sign up for the service before the Nov. 1 deadline. TxTag accounts that have been inactive for the past 12 months will not be ...
When Mike Stratton racked up more than $1,000 in toll bills and late fees, he refused to pay. “I don’t owe it,” Stratton said ...
“I do appreciate everything y’all have done.” Now, he just needs to sign up with HCTRA and peel the old TxTag off his windshield. Investigative Photojournalist Richie Bowes, Investigative ...
Now, he has to sign up for a new EZ TAG account. After a KXAN investigation revealed 60% of TxTag users were not transferred to HCTRA, and millions of dollars still owed to many drivers ...