We are excited to be recruiting two interns to join our NC-UK Internship programme! Through this programme, you'll delve deep into the scientific research sector, gaining invaluable insights and ...
This very practical training workshop is for new starters and moderately experienced ADCP users alike. You will have a live interactive learning experience. We will demonstrate several of the field ...
A combination of climate change and our increasing use of water is likely to result in significantly drier rivers during English summers by the end of the century, causing potential water scarcity ...
Small plastic particles are omnipresent in our environment, posing a potential threat to species, but the difficulty is knowing how best to measure concentrations. Ecotoxicologist Dr Richard Cross ...
Loch Leven is the largest shallow eutrophic lake in lowland Scotland (surface area 13.7km 2, mean depth 3.9m). It is an excellent example of a lake that supplies a wide range of ecosystem services and ...
We harness data and digital technologies to provide solutions to environmental challenges, and are a major custodian of environmental datasets. The long-term environmental data hosted by UKCEH inform ...
Financing large-scale restoration is becoming more viable, as businesses become more motivated to voluntarily offset CO 2 emissions via the voluntary carbon market. UKCEH is leading a consortium ...
The UKCEH Land Cover Maps (LCMs) map UK land cover. They do this by describing the physical material on the surface of the United Kingdom providing an uninterrupted national dataset of land cover ...
MAVIS has now been succeeded by RMAVIS. MAVIS will remain available, however we encourage users to transition to RMAVIS. Please see the RMAVIS page for further details. MAVIS is a program that assigns ...