The share of migrant business owners in all businesses has grown, as has the share of migrant employees among all employees.
A restaurant that uses takeaway packaging bought abroad must fulfil its statutory waste management producer responsibility, ...
US President Donald Trump’s announcement at the start of February about import tariffs were not a surprise, as Trump had ...
The positive credit register has caused problems for sole traders. Kallio says there are no fast solutions to the problems in ...
The weavers Jaana and Esko Hjelt are the fourth generation to run the Lapuan Kankurit company. They weave Nordic design ...
Finnvera piloted a loan aimed at micro-businesses employing fewer than ten people. In the first three months, almost 400 ...
The Competition and Consumer Authority has clarified its marketing guidelines, which have caused much discussion.
More than half of solo entrepreneurs (54%) now earn less than €30,000 a year. SY considers tax hikes one reason for this.
Aluevaaliehdokas, tervetuloa mukaan yritysvierailuille kuulemaan suoraan paikallisilta yrittäjiltä, miten hyvinvointialueen ...
Tervetuloa puolisosi kanssa illalliselle hyvän musiikin ja teeman erilaisuus meissä - erilaisina yhdessä pariin.Musiikista ...
TE-uudistus muuttaa paljon asioita suomalaisessa työmarkkinassa ja erityisesti paikallisesti työllisyysalueilla. Yksi suurimmista seurauksista on kaupunkien ja kuntien palkkatukityöllistämiskielto sek ...
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