When former President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law March 11, 2021, hoping to provide economic relief in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it gave cities until the end of ...
The Lamont administration disclosed that the $2.8 billion in ARPA dollars Connecticut has dispersed since the spring of 2021 generated $240 million in interest in its first three years ...
The certification Monday of Donald Trump’s presidential victory further exposed the divide, and the tension, among members of Congress over Jan. 6, 2021 — as Trump has called the bloody attack ...
@inProceedings{Marques_2021_WACV, title={Size-Invariant Detection of Marine Vessels From Visual Time Series}, author={Marques, Tunai Porto and Albu, Alexandra Branzan and O'Hara, Patrick and Serra, ...