Steve Hely and Joseph Bennett’s animated comedy follows a man who finds himself targeted by the feds and corporate America alike after he discovers a curative fungus in Peru.
AlJ was surprised to meet the woman who volunteered to give him her kidney at his pre-op appointment for his second organ transplant.
There were glimmers of hope – his camera, a lighter and a campfire found during the search – but in the end it was a “miracle” encounter ... they are angels sent from the sky.” ...
David’s “guardian angel” had saved his life, right there amid thousands of runners during America’s friendliest marathon. A miracle on Broad Street, David has since dubbed it. Joachim ...
Throughout history, humans have often wondered whether they are the only intelligent beings in this universe. One of the most ...
“I do think it was a miracle that we found him,” she said, placing a hand over the cold stone engraved with her son’s name. “Here in Mexico, they hardly find anybody.” When Silvia Yaber ...
The angel with a penchant for spreading holiday cheer was previously played by the late Doris Roberts in 2009's Mrs. Miracle and 2010's Call Me Mrs. Miracle, and Caroline Rhea in 2021's Debbie ...
During times of societal upheaval throughout history, theatre artists shine a light on the darkest recesses challenging us by ...
Manfred Goldberg was just 13 years old when - stripped to his skin and shuffling toward an SS guard at a Nazi labor camp in ...
Monday’s ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz is more than just the moment to remember some 6 ...