NIU STEAM is back to fight a five-alarm blaze burning with question marks: Why can't salt water be used to put out forest fires?
A study finds that whale songs are similar to human speech patterns after breaking down the sound lengths and frequencies ...
Some baleen whales avoid killer whale attacks by singing songs at deep frequencies that their predators cannot hear.
Orcas, like humans, get baby bumps in the early months of pregnancy and grow larger as the pregnancy advances. Researchers ...
Just like popular songs on TikTok, new humpback whale songs can rapidly spread across regions and populations to replace ...
The endangered southern resident killer whales that visit Puget Sound were listed for protection under the federal Endangered ...
It is difficult to place a signature sound on the Golden Isles. Is it the gentle laps of ocean waves on the beach? Would it ...
The company, which turns crab shells into sustainable products for a variety of industries, raised a $140 million Series B round this week.
Disney's Space Mountain Soundscape featuring ambient noise from four versions of the thrill ride is surprisingly soothing and serene.
Might it also be possible, then, to use acoustic waves to disrupt the electromechanical sensors that drones require to fly?
Seeing more destinations while unpacking only once and eating like a king are among the draws on cruise ships.
Bull kelp provides food and shelter for salmon, Southern Resident orcas, sunflower stars, pinto abalone, rockfish, harbor ...