Before AT&T was broken up in 1984 by court order, the Bell System referred to AT&T and all the Bell Telephone companies that were part of it, but had separate names to provide a regional flavor.
Operator] Long distance. - [Narrator] It's a more affectionate term for the Bell System. It was the dominant telephone provider in the US for most of the 20th century. You may know Bell by another ...
University of Alabama President Stuart Bell said he plans to step down in July after leading the Capstone for 10 years. The ...
Part of DAX Isolated exchange systems. For use with DAX phones, release, panels (DXP-LCD/LED). Single entrance control, up to 256 station. 2 door system operations available. IP55 lockable steel ...
These surface mounting call switches are typically installed in bathrooms or toilets. Two red triangles are provided to pull the cord from either standing or prone position. A red reassurance light ...
Fits on all types of home -- Soft white wireless doorbell to suit home aesthetic. Also classroom, office, store, etc. Setup is a snap -- Ready to work right out of the box, plug the mini door bell ...