It's almost time. Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania will soon celebrate Lent with fish frys on Ash Wednesday and every ...
We're less than a month away from Ash Wednesday. Organizations that do not already have a valid food permit have to complete ...
Lent runs for 40 days, and there are seven Fridays before it ends. Here are some places where you can get a fish fry and ...
Black River American Legion will hold their Friday Fish Fry starting on Feb. 21 and ending on April 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. You can purchase either a haddock, chicken tenders or shrimp dinner for ...
Beaver Falls Fire Department will hold their Fish Fry on Fridays, March 7 & 21, and April 4 & 18, from 4 to 8 p.m. There will ...
For many Christians, the six weeks of Lent — leading up to Easter — are a time of prayer and reflection. Believers also often refrain from eating meat from cows, pigs or chickens during this season.