Using a single-cell sequencing technique, Brazilian researchers have created the first cell atlas of focal cortical dysplasia ...
LUBBOCK, Texas– Anaya and her family are back in Lubbock after her neurosurgery this past week in Dallas. The 12-year-old had ...
But she has defied the odds just 18 months after surgery and has completed the Spine Race, which sees participants run 268 ...
Anorectal malformations are anomalies of the lower digestive tract that cause problems with how a child has a bowel movement. Anorectal malformations are congenital (present at birth) issues that ...
Holocord syringomyelia (HSM) is characterized by a continuous spinal cord cavitation along its entire length and is currently poorly documented in dogs. This retrospective multicentric case series ...
Dr. Cohen also explains why not all cases will need surgery. Chiari malformations are associated with the formation of a syrinx, a fluid-filled pocket, or cyst, in the spinal cord. This condition also ...
Lilly was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation, a condition where part of the brain descends through a gap in the skull and down the spinal canal. The MRI also showed a huge cyst, called a Syringomyelia ...