Then Home Depot only refunds the $50 for failure to pick up the old machine. They claim the installation was “free” so you need to pay someone else to install with no refund. Complete consumer ...
“We are proud to be selected by OMV Petrom for the Neptun Deep project, which we see as a recognition of our commitment to delivering safe, sustainable and cost-effective solutions”, says Jan Erik ...
Găsim date interesante despre exploatarea de gaz Neptun Deep, a Petrom și Romgaz, într-un document guvernamental despre Planul de Intervenție în privința Asigurării Aprovizionării cu Gaz a României.
A Greenpeace activist flew a powered paraglider near the Transocean Barents platform in Constanța on Wednesday, January 15, displaying a banner reading 'Stop Fossil Gas' in protest of OMV Petrom ...