New legislation should make landlords responsible for tenants’ waste contracts, says Dublin City Council’s head of waste ...
The proposed development has been in planning stages for several years following a first party appeal to An Bord Pleanala ...
Dublin's inner city is “a hotspot” for non-fatal drug overdoses with methadone now overtaking heroin among addicts found in ...
This gang of youths, who featured Gerry 'The Monk' Hutch, were associated with various crimes in Dublin's inner city in 1976 ...
Dublin city council officials have taken issue with the litter league table produced by IBAL. Parts of the capital, including ...
A woman who was out running was struck by debris when Jamie Reid crashed through the level crossing barrier at Sutton ...
The Iveagh Trust has agreed to take on the development of 29 and 30 Fishamble Street, a council site in Dublin 8 which has ...
Hundreds of households in Dublin’s north inner city have had no gas since last Friday after a water leak.
The architects behind the construction of Dublin's Temple Bar say there is plenty of potential for regeneration in the ...
Planters, poles and even parked cars have been flagged by JC Decaux as impediments to eyes on its ad displays.