Publisher's website. Prologue -- 1. Apocalypse now and again -- 2. The world gone M.A.D. -- 3. And then there was nothing: is the end ever really the end? -- 4. Falling out with Hal and Hester -- 5.
The world was crying Mayan apocalypse on December 21, 2012, so it seemed prudent to explore other end of the world teachings. Even though the Mayans weren’t actually predicting the end of the world, ...
It’s the end of the world as we know it, but Lori Nix feels fine. In fact, she and Kathleen Gerber, her partner in art and life, are the cheerful architects of this apocalypse. On a gray winter ...
St Paul told two of the early Christian communities that some of them would live to see the return of Jesus and the end of the world. The belief that the Apocalypse could happen soon made it ...
The photograph "Apocalypse Now" by world-renowned British photographer ... of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP).Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak; WOŚP/Maciek Kaniewski This iconic ...
The end of the world ... can’t get enough of apocalypse or its aftermath, it would seem. Lynskey quotes some eye-popping stats: ‘A peer-reviewed 2021 survey of people aged between sixteen and ...