The number of fatalities in Southeastern Brazil was updated to 29 on Thursday after at least 203 cities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul were hit by heavy storms, which are also forecast to move ...
BRASÍLIA- Dezoito indígenas foram resgatados em Bento Gonçalves, no Rio Grande do Sul, em condição de trabalho análogo à ...
Bento Goncalves, Brazil? Know about Bento Goncalves Airport in detail. Find out the location of Bento Goncalves Airport on Brazil map and also find out airports near to Bento Goncalves. This airport ...
At least five people were killed and 18 others went missing on Tuesday as heavy rains hit some 77 municipalities in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul bordering Uruguay and Argentina.
85% da colheita vão para a indústria, em uma cadeia produtiva que fabrica 230 milhões de litros de vinhos e espumantes e movimenta R$ 12 bilhões por ano.