A new textbook designed for students aged 15 and older frames Russia's war in Ukraine as a continuation of the Soviet fight ...
Since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2014, one Russian phrase has haunted me. It translates to “They [Ukrainians] ...
A new school textbook that likens Russia's war in Ukraine to the Soviet struggle against the Nazis and says Russia was ...
Europe's second largest country, Ukraine is a land of wide, fertile agricultural plains, with large pockets of heavy industry ...
A new school textbook introduced in Moscow on Monday claims Russia was "forced" to send soldiers into Ukraine in 2022, ...
This attack against Russian companies was deliberately carried out on the anniversary of the historic Battle of Kruty, a ...
Geopolitically, Europe desperately needs to strengthen its military capabilities and revitalize its defense industry. Ukraine ...
Kyiv’s go-to weapon to achieve these strategic results is the drone.
The former head of Ukraine’s military intelligence recalls how thousands of tactical nuclear weapons were removed from its arsenals by the Russian military.
A new school textbook in Russia is teaching children that Moscow was “forced” to invade Ukraine as it likens the conflict to ...
As Eisenhower once said of how conflicts end, 'sometimes it just gets down to the dirty job of killing until one side or the ...