Spivey’s bill proposes other prison reforms as well, including bans on restrictive housing for vulnerable populations and bans on double-bunking inmates in a cell designed for one, unless the ...
The Spanish-style house that has sat at 107 N. First St. for nearly 89 years now is a thing of the past. The Department of ...
A major overhaul of jail cell doors is now underway at 201 Poplar to replace more than 600 doors in an effort to keep inmates behind bars. The Shelby County Sheriff’s ...
He’s serving 100 years in the mega-prison for gang members built two years ago in El Salvador by Nayib Bukele’s government, aware he’ll never leave. In a small room next to the cells, under police ...
100 per cent." The man goes on to suggest that the prison guards had allowed the two killers, "two lunatics", into his cell to carry out the attack. Earlier today, we reported how a former inmate ...
An inmate with the Craven County Detention Center reportedly escaped from his assigned cell on Sunday afternoon. A search ...
Raipur: A 38-year-old Nigerian undertrial prisoner was found hanging inside his cell in the Raipur Central Jail on Tuesday, a police officer said. The deceased, Patrick UB K Baoko, was arrested in ...
Diddy's lawyers are contesting a search of his prison cell, claiming it was orchestrated by prosecutors without legitimate cause.(REUTERS) The disgraced lawyer’s attorney, Alex Shapiro ...
Speaking to MPs, the head of the prison service’s ‘Change’ project revealed nutrient neutrality rules have impacted “at least half a dozen projects” where cells are being built or renovated. LBC has ...
Out with the sliding door, in with a new door -- on a hinge. It's a change the Shelby County Sheriff's Office said needs to happen after inmates spent most of last year finding ways to get out of ...
“In 2013, when I was preparing to play Nelson Mandela in the film Long Walk to Freedom, I spent the night in a prison cell on Robben Island, 12 km outside Cape Town, where Mandela was imprisoned ...