Ministro da Defesa, Vladimir Padrino López, disse que o objetivo é evitar que os grupos armados que se enfrentam na Colômbia ...
A Venezuela lançou uma operação militar com 5 mil soldados nesta sexta-feira (31) na região de Catatumbo, na fronteira com a ...
Apenas em Catatumbo, fronteiriça com a Venezuela, o saldo foi de, pelo menos, 80 mortos, entre os quais seis dos signatários do acordo de paz entre o governo colombiano e as Farc, em 2016.
The death toll from escalating violence between rival guerrilla groups in Colombia’s Catatumbo region has risen to 60, according to the country’s human rights office. The clashes, involving ...
Officials said the attacks happened in several towns located in the Catatumbo region near the border with Venezuela, with at least three people who were part of the peace talks being kidnapped.
The death toll from attacks by a rebel group in Colombia's Catatumbo region has risen to 60, the country's human rights office has said. Rival factions have been vying for control of the cocaine ...