The reverse 1031 exchange works like the delayed exchange, but you buy the replacement property first. Then, you have 45 days to identify the relinquished property and 180 days (total) to close on ...
This is not to be confused with a reverse exchange. A reverse exchange means the reverse of a conventional delayed 1031 exchange: Instead of selling your old property and then buying a replacement ...
But the reverse may also be true ... 2: Tenants-in-Common Cash-Out In addition to using a 1031 exchange to defer taxes, some investors also want to improve liquidity so they can take advantage ...
Kelly Bradley joins IPX1031 with a distinguished background in real estate law and 1031 Exchanges, having worked at major 1031 Qualified Intermediari ...
If an investor uses IRS Code Section 1031 to recognize a "like-kind" exchange when selling an investment property, capital gains can be deferred by purchasing a similar investment property.
CHICAGO, Jan. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Investment Property Exchange Services, Inc. (IPX1031), the national leader in 1031 Qualified Intermediary services, has released its annual 1031 trends ...
Legal 1031 Exchange Services, a division of Kensington Vanguard National Land Services, has tapped a new exchange director who will serve Texas clients outside of greater Houston. Read on to find out ...