The proclamation of the common faith requires, first of all, that we love one another,” the Holy Father said in a Feb. 6 ...
COMMENTARY: Approved on the same day as ‘Lumen Gentium’ and ‘Unitatis Redintegratio,’ ‘Orientalium Ecclesiarum’ manifests the ...
As Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox believers prayed this week for “Christian unity,” Jean-François Chiron sheds light on ...
In a divinely inspired way, it will be celebrated this year on the same day, as is appropriate for this ecumenical ...
The countdown to the Orthodox Easter is set to begin on March 3, when Greece celebrates “Kathara Deftera,” Greek for “Clean ...
Roman Catholic teachings diverge from the views ... Another major point of theological contention was that Eastern Orthodox Churches (not to be confused with Eastern Rite Catholics) strongly ...
Immigration helped fuel the growth of America’s Orthodox churches more than a century ago. Now, it’s conversions from other ...
The sacred performance signals a deepening of Catholic-Orthodox dialogue and a potential step toward a papal visit to Serbia.