Yokogawa Test & Measurement's AQ6377E optical spectrum analyzer offers fast, precision mid-wave infrared (MWIR) measurements ...
In a lab test, chimps and orangutans can recognize their own reflection. But in the wild, baboons seemingly can’t do the same.
Xgimi’s sophomore Aura UST laser projector shakes things up with more brightness and the latest Dual Light technology.
The physical interaction between two or more systems, also known as coupling, can give rise to unique and unexpected effects.
MKS Instruments, Inc., a global provider of enabling technologies that transform our world, has announced the Ophir® ...
Building on recent achievements at an emission wavelength of 450 nm, Swiss company Exalos has announced narrow-linewidth DFB ...
If shaving is growing tiresome, consider laser hair removal: This method damages hair follicles to reduce growth over time, ultimately giving more long-term results than using a razor. After ...
Abstract: Presents corrections to the paper, Neural Network Ensemble for Precise Laser Spot Position Determination on a Quadrant Detector.
Abstract: We present a compact and efficient method for directly coupling a near-ultraviolet laser diode with high beam ellipticity to a hollow core fiber (HCF) using an all-fiber mode field diameter ...