Vývoj Tatry T613 na prelome šesťdesiatych a sedemdesiatych rokov inšpiroval tím konštruktérov k ďalším projektom.
DS 7 BlueHDi 130 Antoine de Saint Exupéry (2025) DS 7 ponúka veľmi slušný rázvor 2 738 mm, čo sa odzrkadľuje na priestrannej kabíne nielen vpredu, ale aj vzadu. Značka DS vznikla v roku 2014, keď sa ...
The correct company name is “Oransi.” A U.S.-based electric-motor manufacturer is hoping to become a major supplier to American drone manufacturing companies, by offering a product that can ...
Its latest motor has hit production, giving automakers a small, efficient unit that delivers seamless power and torque for hybrid cars. Horse announced this week that it started production of the ...