An accommodation and wedding venue and up to two homes in Victoria's west have been destroyed by a bushfire that has burnt through 65,000 hectares of land.
Residents in Victoria’s west have been urged to watch and act as bushfires continue raging through parts of the state, with emergency services warning it may be too late to leave some areas.
Katelynn Clark felt certain her home would burn to the ground when a raging bushfire hit the edge of her rural property on Monday night.
Farm Online Farm Weekly North Queensland Register Queensland Country Life Stock Journal The Land. Your digital subscription ...
Electricity distribution company Powercor Australia attended the scene of a solar farm transformer fire near Raywood, ...
A Total Fire Ban (TFB) has been declared for the Mallee, Wimmera, North Central, South West and Central regions tomorrow, Saturday 22 February ...
Residents in the path of an out-of-control bushfire in western Victoria have been told they are in immediate danger and it's too late to leave, while those under threat from a second blaze are ...
A warning was issued to the Raywood community because of the black toxic smoke drifting over the town. The fire was brought ...
HUNTER and Mid North Coast fire specialists from Forestry Corporation have deployed to Victorian firefronts as part of an ...
Yes, the L.A. blazes were worsened by climate change, say Australian bushfire experts. But that doesn’t mean people are ...