There are currently, in 2022, 231,597 refugees under UNHCR’s mandate in the United Kingdom, as well as 127,421 pending asylum seeker cases and 5483 stateless persons. The UNHCR office in the UK works ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country that sits north-west of mainland Europe. It is made up of mainland Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and ...
Let's start with England, England is a country that is part of Great Britain which also includes Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom includes all of these countries and also Northern Ireland ...
Those relating to the constitution were: Article 1: From 1 May 1707 the kingdoms of Scotland and England were to be "united into one kingdom by the name of Great Britain". The flags of St George and ...
Despite initial Irish opposition, the Dublin and Westminster Parliaments both passed Acts which created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Under the terms of the Union, which came into ...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (“the United Kingdom”) and Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties” ACKNOWLEDGING the achievements of the Political, Free Trade and ...
Low-Carbon Rewards Programme uses an innovative online rewards scheme to incentive low-carbon behaviours among young people across Scotland. There is a perception in Scotland that being sustainable ...
The United Kingdom is made up of two islands:Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain is divided into three regions:Scotland, England and Wales.The capitals are:Edinburgh (Scotland),Cardiff (Wales ...
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Between 2004 and 2005 Discovery Channel aired a series of short video clips, co-produced with the UN, which focus on endangered communities living in different regions of the world. The languages of ...
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If you are the owner of the contact information below, you can send updated contact information to [email protected] ...
Paul Huijts has been ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 2024.