Né en 1930, Alain Balmayer, dit « Balmy » commence la photographie en autodidacte dans les années 50. Co-fondateur du "Groupe des Huit" en 1958, il participe durant une dizaine d’années à de ...
Un manuel complet pour réussir ses prises de vues et maîtriser le développement en labo. Qui a dit que l’argentique était mort ? Le regain d’intérêt qu’on observe aujourd’hui pour l’argentique ...
Over the course of six years, Malerie Marder photographed prostitutes in the Netherlands. During that time, she meditated on the thin separation between the two sides of her camera–the sliver of ...
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } In this series of photo-based works, Ottawa artist Joy Kardish visits abandoned spaces where history intersects with imagination. DaleSmith Gallery is pleased to present ...
The ex-kindergarten in Bruzella has been converted into a space for photographic exhibitions promoted by the Rolla Foundation. The second event includes 31 vintage Ruth Hallensleben gelatin silver ...
Anita and 124 other portraits surveys 10 years of fashion and other photography from Anuschka Blommers and Niels Schumm, and is the first book to bring together all the wide-ranging elements of their ...
The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial is the world's largest international art festival, held every three years in the Echigo-Tsumari region, encompassing Tokamachi City and Tsunan Town in Niigata ...
Jim French (b. 1932) first began drawing and then photographing male erotica in the 1960s. Originally a successful fashion illustrator, French and an old army buddy partnered to open a mail order ...
Communiqué de presse de la Galerie Sakura Suite à l’actualité mouvementée de l’été, la galerie Sakura, pour sa prochaine exposition, prend le parti de la légèreté. Les polémiques autour du Burkini ou ...
Photographer Shawn Mortensen's success began when Terry Jones o f i-D magazine recognized his ability to interpret the streets. Since then he has become a citizen o f the globe, traveling the world ...
"Le livre et l'image font partie intégrante de notre univers quotidien. Nous vivons constamment en contact avec ces deux moyens d'expression, indépendants ou liés entre eux. L'art de Jean-Marc Godès ...