Players of the Tilburg student rugby club Tarantula have exposed themselves for charity. As part of movember, the men have posed for their own nude calendar. Tarantula players pose for the nude ...
Palestine Solidarity Tilburg is demonstrating on campus. The activist group is dissatisfied with the decisions made by the Executive Board and intends to hand over an open letter, signed by supporters ...
Dozens of residents of a student flat on Professor Verbernelaan in Tilburg, near Tilburg University, had to flee their homes quickly last night when a fire broke out. No one was injured. Fire in one ...
The right to demonstrate is under attack. In particular, the four coalition parties want to put a stop to ‘disruptive actions’. But is that legally and politically feasible? In the meantime, Minister ...
The Executive Board of Tilburg University will discuss the advice of the Advisory Committee on Partnerships with the cooperation partners in Israel. This is stated in a response from the board that ...
The fear of price increases is partly between the ears, say researchers at the economics faculty. But that does not apply to things that students spend a lot of money on, such as room rent or drinks ...
Studying is often challenging work to meet credits and a tight deadline. But once upon a time, student life was a life stage between play and seriousness in which the ‘playful’ reigned supreme. Will ...
Status anxiety, shame, and the meritocratic illusion. In the new book Extravagance and Misery by philosophers Alfred Archer, Bart Engelen, and Alan Thomas, the gap between rich and poor is examined: ...
No job application at a law firm for Maurits Meeusen. After studying law at Tilburg University, he’s chasing his real dream: providing live commentary on esports matches. ‘The League of Legends World ...
Voor het vierde jaar op rij is de instroom aan de universiteiten gedaald. Dat blijkt uit de definitieve tellingen. Vooral de ...
Een college, daar kom je als student je bed toch niet voor uit? Wel als er een bevlogen docent voor de zaal staat, schrijft ...
Waarom zijn collega’s met jonge kinderen zo vaak ziek? Myrthe Faber snapte er jarenlang niets van. Tot ze zelf moeder werd.