to be approved for the regular solemnisation of civil marriages and civil partnership registrations under the above regulations. The application and plan accompanying it may be inspected during normal ...
Health inequalities exist because these factors are unequally distributed between people. Some people, for example older people or those belonging to more marginalised groups in society, can ...
Figure below shows inequalities in premature mortality (under 75 years) from heart disease and cancer, most and least deprived quintiles in Stockport fom 2018 to 2020. People in the most deprived ...
The Balanced System is a framework that looks at local health and education data to understand, plan, deliver and evaluate services to support children and young people. In Stockport we have used this ...
Stockport is a focus area for Greater Manchester as part of a joint Resilience 4 Cities (R4C) initiative between the Greater Manchester Resilience Unit, Resilient Cities Network, the Zurich Foundation ...
Figure below shows obesity prevalence by deprivation and age in Stockport, 2019 taken from the National Child Measurement Programme. Children in the most deprived quintile have a higher rate of ...
Poverty causes ill health, drives inequality in health outcomes and is associated with higher use of health, children’s and adult social care services. 17% of the UK’s population are estimated to be ...
Develop excellent, inclusive schools across the borough to better serve the needs of the growing number of children living in more deprived areas, as well as children and young people with social, ...
Our housing, outdoor spaces, and communities are building blocks for health, and because the opportunities they offer are not equally distributed, these differences cause inequalities in our health.
Figure shows life expectancy by deprivation quintile in Stockport 2020 to 2022. The blue bars represent males and the red bars represent females. It shows that people in the least deprived quintiles ...
You can find out more about the current population of Stockport by visiting the JSNA and reviewing the State of the Borough report on The Stockport Big Picture website. Health inequalities are driven ...
Climate change threatens the essential ingredients of good health: clean air, safe drinking water, nutritious food supply and safe shelter. The impacts will vary geographically, as well as ...