Shocking images show the dangerous and damp conditions a landlord allowed a tenant to live in with broken heating.
Housing benefit is insufficient for nearly half of households with children living in private rental accommodation in Swale, new analysis suggests.
Jayne Black has been chief executive of Medway NHS Foundation Trust, which covers the Medway and Swale areas, since 2022. She ...
A landlord has been fined £3000 after failing to address serious hazards found at their property. Swale Borough Council ...
New food hygiene ratings have been awarded to five of Swale’s establishments, the Food Standards Agency’s website shows.
Mike Judge who has served over 50 years at Whitstable RNLI. During his 51 years of service to the RNLI at Whitstable, Mike ...
Renowned North East artist Lucy Pittaway showcases ‘Toon Baaarmy,’ a black-and-white tribute to Newcastle United, celebrating ...
More cameras have been added to Swale Borough Council's CCTV network. Six new cameras have been installed in Sittingbourne ...
Rallying from fourth in a field of six 3-year-olds, Gate to Wire did not exactly live up to his name in the $155,000 Swale ...
Three-year-old trained by Todd Pletcher made his first four starts on turf and Tapeta before showing an affinity for dirt ...
A horse was rescued on Friday after being stuck in a drainage swale, the Ipswich Police Department said in a statement. The ...
The Ipswich Police Department, Ipswich Animal Control and Ipswich Fire Department responded and said they found a 31-year-old horse on its back in the ditch with its legs in the air.