Using an XMC1100 microcontroller development board and a TLV49 3D magnetic sensor ... time and produce an approximation of what the field lines would look like on its electronic paper display.
By studying the fastest jet ever seen erupting from an infant star, astronomers have discovered that the mechanism that ...
Last year, [Ted Yapo] built a magnetic imager from a single magnetometer placed on the head of a 3D printer ... Yes, it will create an image of field lines coming out of a magnet, but it ...
"Back in 2010, we used VLA to detect non-thermal emission and the presence of a magnetic field, but we couldn't study its 3D structure," said Carlos Carrasco-González, of the Institute of Radio ...
The third dimension of the magnetic field, oriented along a viewer's line of sight ... we have to observe it in 3D—and ...
IN the spring of 1897 the scientific world became indebted to Dr. Zeeman for the observation that when a source of light is placed in a strong magnetic field the spectral lines of the light ...