Cloudy with a high of 33 °F (0.6 °C). Winds NW at 7 mph (11.3 kph). Night - Cloudy. Winds WNW at 5 to 7 mph (8 to 11.3 kph). The overnight low will be 30 °F (-1.1 °C). Partly cloudy today with ...
Una dintre cele mai cunoscute pensiuni din judetul Cluj a fost scoasa la vanzare. Astfel, Pensiunea Lara, cunoscuta si sub numele de ,,Nestemata Muntilor Apuseni", din Valea Ierii, la 45 de kilometri ...
Societatea din Munții Apuseni exploatează cel mai mare zăcământ de cupru din țară, la Roșia Poieni, estimat la 900.000 de tone. În cariera uriașă, minereul este transportat cu ajutorul ...
Our most recent meetings with Romanian opponents came in October 2012, with Ferguson's men not having things all our own way, against CFR Cluj ... (22:00 local time in Romania), with the standings ...
Gică Hagi, după ce fanii CFR-ului i-au cerut demisia lui Dan Petrescu: "This is Romania!" ”Demisia, demisia”, s-a auzit, imediat după fluierul de final al meciului la care "Bursucul" nu a stat pe ...
The ruling coalition in Romania discussed on January 27 the draft budget for 2025, which the Finance Ministry plans to complete by January 29, according to sources consulted by and ...
A nearly 6,000-year-old forest is once again seeing daylight after millennia hidden under ice in the Rocky Mountains. A team of scientists from Montana State University, the U.S. Geological ...
În 2024, Cluj-Napoca și Sibiu s-au aflat în fruntea clasamentului, fiecare remarcându-se prin puncte forte distincte. Cluj-Napoca a fost orașul cu cel mai mare scor total obținut din indicatorii ...
We want to hear from you: What should Alaska's highest mountain be named and why does it matter to you? Or maybe it doesn't matter to you. We'd still like to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Eventually, in 2006, I bought a house in Bigar, a Czech-speaking village in Romania that was surrounded ... used limestone slabs from the Apuseni Mountains to decorate its floor.
Historian Natalia Mehlman Petrzela explores life, love and death on Earth's second-tallest peak in the new season of Extreme. Straddling the border of Pakistan and China in the Karakoram mountain ...
Two enormous continent-sized mountains 100 times taller than Everest are hidden thousands of kilometres beneath the Earth’s surface, according to new research that has left experts stunned.