The greatest and worst poverty is that one of the heart. If we know the Bible from cover to cover yet do not practice it, we ...
By Donald Schmidt, Senior Pastor, Lakeland Baptist Church In the 1987 romantic comedy, “The Princess Bride,” the villain, ...
In an age when we idolize parental rights, Texas is now sidelining our rights to choose religious instruction.
"The disciple whom Jesus loved" is believed to be the Apostle John, but those words apply to all believers. He loves us all.
During his recent ministry in Brazil, Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke with the youth about ...
After three years in Memphis, I went to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School north of Chicago. I soon noticed there were fewer ...
Generations: The Legacy' actress Candice Modiselle celebrated completing the whole Bible in 13 months. The star has been ...
Dear T.F.: Consider the transformation in Simon Peter. He denied Christ. He was cowed by the crowd, shamed by a little maid, and took his place with the enemies of Christ. This was Peter who ...
Begrudgingly, Kunkel participated and noticed the 26-year-old, whom Kunkel referred to as Nathaniel, was fluent in English.
Listed below are some notable people in the Bible. Who are they? 1)Was the brother of Miriam who’s staff miraculously turned into a serpent. 2)His name means “dog,” and he is represented as a loyal ...
The word storm is used 42 times in the NIV Bible, 19 in the New King James, 17 in the King James. No matter how many times ...
With the recent apostasy of Kanye West, the issue of celebrity Christians has once again surfaced.