Pollution-reduction projects in the IRL have reduced lagoon pollution by more than 800,000 pounds of excess nitrogen.
Governor Ron DeSantis announced his Fiscal Budget recommendations, solidifying Florida’s status as the nation’s leader in outdoor recreation.
a research scientist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The satellite-tagged croc that became an ...
Two Florida Fish and Wildlife officers were undeterred during this historic weather event in Florida, which brought in 6 to 8 inches of snow.
Tyler Vazquez is the Brevard County and North Brevard Watchdog Reporter at FLORIDA TODAY. Contact Vazquez at 321-480-0854 or [email protected] ...
"I think that's something the TDC could work on and discuss this spring." Tyler Vazquez is the Brevard County and North Brevard Watchdog Reporter at FLORIDA TODAY. Contact Vazquez at 321-480-0854 or ...