As the sounds of automatic gunfire in a central working-class Port-au-Prince neighborhood once more sent desperate residents ...
BLUFFTON — Ten Thousand Villages of Bluffton has named Haitian artist Jean François Frisnel as its Village Artist of the Month. The public is invited to a reception to meet Frisnel at 2 p.m. Saturday, ...
Even a three month stop has very severe negative consequences around the world and in Haiti, for saving people’s lives and for preserving U.S. credibility, U.S. soft power.” ...
We are Amnesty International UK. We are ordinary people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights.
En Haïti, la commune de Kenscoff continue d’être la cible des gangs armés. Une nouvelle attaque des gangs armés dimanche 16 ...
It said by October 2024, more than 700,000 people were displaced in Haiti and during the first 17 days of December alone, armed attacks in the communes of Port au Prince and Petite riviere de L ...
His paintings will be on display in the store throughout February. In 1979, Frisnel was born in Carrefour, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and he now resides in Lima. He has had national and international ...
En Haïti, les enfants sont victimes de « recrutement, d’attaques et de violences sexuelles » dans un contexte d’intensification des violences commises par les gangs dans ce petit pays des Caraïbes, dé ...
Haiti’s trade tariffs on foreign goods were ... The New York Times reports that the Palm Apparel T-shirt factory in Carrefour, a few miles outside of the capital and at the epicenter of the ...
REPORTAGE. Au Bénin, peintres, écrivains et autres créateurs s’emparent de cette religion fascinante. P uissants fétiches, os ...
qui symbolise le carrefour des routes où se trouve souvent Legba, ce dieu qui sert de lien entre les hommes et les divinités », explique-t-il § À lire : « Bénin. Envoûtement africain ...
Le festival littéraire bas-laurentien La crue des mots accueillera l’auteur-compositeur-interprète Patrice Michaud et ...