How might you make your mark on the world forever? Write a play more timeless than Shakespeare, or compose music to out-do ...
A tour guide in the United Kingdom was confronted with something both rare and fantastical when he stumbled upon a ...
Fossil collectors in Florida have discovered an ancient sinkhole, now at the bottom of a river, which holds the remains of animals rarely seen in the state, including a type of giant armadillo, giant ...
Researchers in China found Baminornis zhenghensis, which lived at roughly the same time as the famous Archaeopteryx but ...
The extremely well-preserved ammonite - believed to be between 100 to 105 million years-old - has been discovered on the Isle ...
Scientists have discovered the oldest bird fossil shedding light on birds' origin in China, and reshaping the timeline of ...
The 1.5 million acre Lake Mead National Recreation Area covers “mountains, canyons, valleys and two vast lakes,” the National ...
Liverpool researchers' discovery of collagen in fossilized bones could provide new insights into dinosaurs. For years, ...
Above the shores of prehistoric seas and lakes, pterosaurs roamed the skies. They were feathered creatures that ranged in ...
“This fossil (Baminornis) indicates that Jurassic birds probably already had a global distribution and were much more ...
Chinese scientists have unearthed the oldest short-tailed bird fossil, dating back about 150 million years, in east China's ...
A 68-million-year-old Antarctic fossil revealed the oldest known modern bird, Vegavis iaai, a duck-sized diver with traits linking it to today’s waterfowl.