Amb més de 130 anys dedicats a la pedra, la nissaga Barbany ha passat d'extreure pedra a utilitzar l'última tecnologia per a ...
It only took 20 years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, but this church has been in construction since 1882 ...
Antoni Gaudí's Casa Batlló, one of the most treasured cultural landmarks in Barcelona, has been turned into a stunning ...
If a building is frozen music then Spain is a world of symphonies From the towering mountains to the blue coast the ...
From stunning art museums to breathtaking religious buildings, here are the things you need to see and do in Spain before you ...
The Allure of Barcelona Barcelona is a spectacular entry into Mediterranean cruising with its mix of Gothic architecture and ...
Claus Olesen, founder member of Arts Society Gibraltar “Fantasy Comes from the Ghosts” is one of the statements made by ...
Pròleg. Quan era petit, el meu avi em va ensenyar que calia aprofitar l’entretemps de qualsevol cosa per fer un riuet. Va ser ...
As a local, I'd skip popular attractions in Barcelona like Park Guell or Sagrada Familia and try these recommendations ...
A recent study focused on the number of Instagram posts associated with each religious landmark and the overall social media buzz.
La sanaügina amb arrels urgellenques Maria Garganté viu i treballa a la ciutat sense desarrelar de la Segarra, on intenta ...
Els dies 8 i 9 de febrer tindran lloc les jornades de portes obertes, per a les quals se sortejaran 8.500 entrades per ...