The buritis, or moriche palms, are fighting for their lives in the streambed now lined with scorched earth. For two years now ...
Regenerative agriculture aims to restore the health of our soils through farming practices based on natural processes.
About 25 to 30 cows took up residence in the town of Gilbert. While they help keep the lawns trimmed, the community is ...
The use of commercial livestock dewormers has paid off in terms of animal health and productivity, but it has also resulted ...
The terms "pasture-fed" and "grass-fed" sound similar on the surface. They do, however, have some differences that are worth ...
“In a snowfall, you’ve blanketed our grass plants,” Corley said. “You’re holding them in a blanket to keep them warmer as ...
Grass tetany is an issue that we typically associate with spring. It occurs when animals are first turned out to pasture and have lush, new growth to eat. New grass ...
“The first step is to make sure the cows will be calving in a clean, dry environment,” K-State veterinarian Bob Larson said. ...
Over 200 species of grasses can be infected with ergot, which can have detrimental effects to your cattle herd.
Pasture-based dairies struggle to compete with industrialized farms. The Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship aims to help them ...
I’m excited for the future of ranching in Colorado and it’s because of wolves. Does that sound incongruent? It makes perfect sense, actually. It’s because cattle rancher Glenn Elzinga and his crew ...