big-leaf maples and California laurel trees, some in deep shade. Rainer Hoenicke is a UC Master Gardener of Napa County.
The Dusil garden was on that year’s Linn County Master Gardener garden walk. (The Gazette) The Gazette offers audio versions of articles using Instaread. Some words may be mispronounced.
What are some tips to best care for inside plants that can brighten winter days?
On a walk last week, I came across an advertisement that said, “No bugs, simply better.” And I wondered if that is truly the case and the answer is no. So, what is it that ‘bugs’ do for us ...
For those who are credentialed Master Gardeners, attending the show is one way to fulfill your 2025 continuing education obligations. This festival is really for everyone, though. Even if you just ...
Readers can pose questions or get more information by calling 417-874-2963 and talking to one of the trained volunteers staffing the Mas­ter Gardener ... Center in Greene County located inside ...
Photo courtesy Getty Images. Do you have a gardening question? The UC Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County can help. Our volunteers are part of the University of California’s Cooperative ...
Jane was beautiful inside and out. She was a wonderful homemaker, cook, seamstress and gardener. She took pride in her appearance, still putting on make-up in her final days. Jane loved her family ...
Do you have a nectarine tree that has a history of producing scarred misshapen fruit? If so, the damage to the fruit is probably caused by western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) and ...
Purdue Extension Master Gardener volunteers contribute significantly to the lives of Indiana residents and local communities each year. In 2024, the Putnam County Master Gardeners volunteered more ...