Advances in nanotechnology may provide solutions to oil spill cleanups in coastal regions that are more effective, safer and work much faster than current methods, according to a new paper. The paper ...
She adds that nanomaterials are being widely studied to combat marine oil spills, but she is focusing specifically on coastline remediation. She estimates that more than 90 per cent of the papers she ...
A staff member at the UA Physics Building at 825 W. Dickson St. dropped a gallon jug of 90% isopropyl alcohol, or rubbing alcohol, while taking delivery of the product, said Franklin Oliver, chair of ...
In a continuation of our Inside the Laboratory interview with Chris Reddy, we asked him about the recent documentary, “Out of ...
You can’t make monopoly money without a monopoly, but you sure can lose it Opinion It would take a heart of stone not to ...
US President Donald Trump says that wind farms harm birds and whales. Scientists weigh wind power's impacts on wildlife ...
Two of three technologies featured at Sarasota event rely on plant-based chemicals; the third uses water cavitation, ozone and electrostatic treatment ...