Kosovo parliamentary elections are held today, Sunday 9. With 38,2% of the preferences, the Levizja VetoVendosja party wins ...
Kosovo parliamentary elections will be held on Sunday 9. Under the control of 100 members of the European Union Election ...
Kryeministri Albin Kurti, njëherësh kandidat edhe për një mandat në këtë pozitë nga Lëvizja Vetëvendosje bashkë me anëtarët tjerë të partisë, kanë mbajtur tubim me qytetarët në ...
Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve (KQZ) ka përditësuar të dhënat e procesit të numërimit në faqen elektronike, të cilat nuk kanë ndryshuar radhitjen e partive politike, por vetëm përqindje ...
Pjesëmarrja në zgjedhjet e 9 shkurtit ishte me rreth 40%, dukshëm më e ulët sesa në zgjedhjet e vitit 2021. Në këto zgjedhje të drejtë vote kishin mbi 2 milionë qytetarë. Lëvizja ...
Voting closed on Sunday in Kosovo's parliamentary elections, and the first exit polls from Klan Kosova TV show incumbent Prime Minister Albin Kurti's leftist Lëvizja Vetëvendosje (LVV) party in ...
Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti declares his Vetevendosje party’s victory on February 10, 2025. Photo: BIRN Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti declared victory for his party ...
Three exit polls gave Kurti between 37% and 40.04% of the votes. Kurti, a leftist and Albanian nationalist, came to power in 2021 when a coalition run by the Vetevendosje party received more than ...
PRISTINA: Kosovo’s ruling Vetevendosje party is on track to come first in a parliamentary election on Sunday, but it will need to negotiate a coalition with other parties to form a government ...
Albin Kurti’s Vetevendosje won again, but Sunday’s election in Kosovo left him short of a majority to govern alone. Kosovo woke up on Monday facing more political questions than answers ...
Prime Minister Albin Kurti's Vetevendosje party won 41.1% of votes with 97% of ballots counted, election commission results showed, drawing celebrations in Pristina after an acrimonious campaign ...
Kurti's ruling Vetevendosje party has about 41% of the votes with 88% counted. He gained 50% in 2021. He said he was confident he would be able to form a government, adding: "We are the [winners ...