The same researchers attribute this finding to the ill-conceived notion, reinforced by pornography, that sexual fulfillment depends on the size of the male phallus. The study also comments that ...
Still, more say all-female groups have a positive impact on women’s well-being (67%) than say the same about the impact of male-only groups on men (56%). In thinking about the impact these types of ...
Although long considered a disease of aging, certain cancers are turning up more often in younger women, according to a new report. By Roni Caryn Rabin More Americans are surviving cancer, but the ...
In modern societies, matrilocality has been associated with higher female involvement in food production, higher paternity uncertainty and protracted male absence. In such societies, it is the man ...
But that was 26 years ago. Since then, we’ve come a long way in terms of how we talk about female pleasure. Spend five minutes scrolling through social media and you’ll inevitably come across ...
Celtic society in England was female-focused 2,000 years ago ... members who did not share the same mitochondrial DNA were male, they suspected men were marrying into this community.
Democrats said that some birth certificates list babies who are born intersex, meaning their biological or physiological traits are not clearly male or female, and argued they would not be a ...
"We haven't really spent a lot of time in society and research focusing on male body image as much as we have for female body image," he said. "We can't overlook males anymore." Anya Zoledziowski ...
Men who regularly drink grape juice could significantly lower their odds of erectile dysfunction — especially older fellas, a new study published in the Aging Male has revealed. Researchers at ...
For the last 15 years, successive governments have grouped male victims of domestic abuse, rape, stalking and so-called honour-based violence into the same category as female victims, and ...
Twenty years ago, when criminologist Dr Kathryn M. Whiteley decided to focus her research on female murderers, she was scoffed at. "Why bother putting so much time and effort into such a small cohort ...