North Korea is building its missile capabilities to strike the US mainland, threatening to overwhelm US defenses and ...
Join us as we welcome Hui Zhang, Senior Researcher in Project on Managing the Atom, to talk about his upcoming book.
[vii] In December 2022, Sputnik News reported that the Sineva and Liner SLBMs “…are armed with between 4 and 12 MIRV warheads, with firepower of between 100 and 500 kilotons.” Thus ...
The United States has approximately 1,770 deployed nuclear warheads, while Russia holds around 1,710, according to estimates cited in a January 22 Congressional Research Service report.
DONALD Trump will be handed the nuclear codes today as defense leaders brief him on how to unleash America's ultimate weaponry. In line with tradition, the Maga man will be able to authorise an ...