For every ADU a property owner is willing to build that is deed-restricted for low-income or moderate-income tenants, the law ...
Teaneck will consider passage of an ordinance quantifying the rules for one of its most controversial sections: accessory dwelling units.
Despite the Solomonic wisdom they represent for housing, accessory dwelling units have traditionally met with resistance.
Despite the Solomonic wisdom they represent — keeping families together in a crowded, high-rent city and providing rental ...
A new state law that just went into effect allows property owners across Massachusetts to build accessory dwelling units ...
The City Planning Department is drafting an accessory dwelling units (ADUs) law that works for the city and is best for the ...
At Monday's West Lafayette City Council meeting discussing ADUs, New Chauncey residents expressed concern over what an ADU proposal would mean for their area.
ADUs can be attached, detached or within the main home. They must have a separate entrance from the main home, either from ...
Massachusetts now allows ADUs by-right in single-family zoning, but many Berkshire County towns are still updating their ...
More ADUs? Tiny lots for family homes? Here's what happened to bills proposing those solutions to Utah's housing crisis ...