This is the spectacular moment the Santiaguito volcano eruption was seen from the air in Guatemala. Dramatic footage, ...
The disaster began midday on August 24 or October 24, 79 CE, when Mount Vesuvius erupted, sending a cloud of volcanic fragments and gas into the air.
When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 CE, the scolding lava, ash, and gas that poured from its entrails converted the Roman city of Pompeii into a terrifying snapshot of death and destruction. Two ...
Then it collapsed, producing an apocalyptic sequence of events that makes a plinian eruption one of the most lethal natural disasters on Earth. When a plinian column falls upon itself, it creates ...
Large stratovolcanoes like Popocatépetl can switch from low or moderate eruptive behaviour to catastrophic Plinian eruptions. We aim to determine the mechanisms and timescales of this switch and the ...
People starved. Yet for all the devastation, the volcano's location remained a mystery. Now, through the careful analysis of ash from the eruption that had been trapped and preserved in the Greenland ...