Alien: Covenantwas the highly anticipated sequel to Prometheus - so why did it make so much less at the box office? Ridley ...
These ancient and inscrutable beings created us in their image, "Prometheus" reveals with its opening scene, yet now they ...
Be the first to know about your favorite movies, shows, comics, anime, video games, and more! Sign up here and never miss a scoop. By signing up, you confirm that you have read and agree to the ...
This opening scene threw everybody off on a first viewing since the promotions gave little indication Prometheus would ...
In 2012, the science-fiction/horror film Prometheus brought Ridley Scott back to the film franchise he launched in 1979 with Alien. Prometheus Collection movies offer a sort of back door into the ...
Prometheus' Garden immerses viewers in a cinematic universe unlike any other. The dark and magical images of this haunting film unfold in a dreamlike stream of consciousness revealing an unlikely ...
Covenant in the works, Michael Fassbender definitely wants to be a part of it. The actor spoke to Esquire last week about the biggest roles of his career, including playing the androids David 8 and ...