When it comes to buying outdoor gear, REI is unsurprisingly one of the top options for most people. Whether for hiking and ...
REI sells cozy jackets from beloved brands like Columbia and The North Face, but it also has a renowned in-house line of ...
Ski shop workers at an REI in New York City went on strike after the company took away their respirators. Scenes from the REI picket line. New York City—Deep in the basement of REI’s flagship SoHo ...
REI and REI Outlet are running sales on winter gear, including our favorite Patagonia jacket for cold weather. Shop up to 51% ...
Recreational Equipment Inc., the outdoor-gear retailer better known as REI, is getting a new trail guide.
We found the eight best sales going on now. Save up to 40 percent off at Spanx, up to 70 percent off Zara, and more including ...
With these nine REI products, you'll be ready for a year of adventure.
We've got stellar gear deals this week for many kinds of outdoor recreation, including hiking, skiing, surfing, kayaking, and ...
We found the best new kitchen gear at REI for your camp kitchen, backyard, or home. Shop Stanley French presses, Lodge ...
REI Co-op announced this week it will relocate from the historic Planing Mill Building in Eugene’s Whiteaker neighborhood across the river to Oakway Center.
REI this week named Portland’s Mary Beth Laughton the co-op’s next CEO, making her the latest Nike executive to get the top ...
The best REI deals to shop on clothing, shoes and gear. Save up to 75% off top outdoor brands, such as Hoka and Patagonia, and winter essentials.